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About Our Farm

We may be small, but our hearts are big. We love our animals and we hope you will too!

What We Do

We are a micro farm in the Shenandoah Valley that focuses on breeding and caring for KuneKune pigs. We enjoy learning new homesteading tips and tricks with an end goal of becoming as self sufficient as possible. We also raise chickens and love our farm fresh eggs. Our pigs are raised for breeding, companionship, and homesteading.


Who We Are

We moved from Northern Virginia to the Shenandoah Valley with the dream of living a simpler life. But what fun would that have been? We now spend our days tending to our animals and trying to keep our garden alive. We have a lot to learn, but thankfully we're up for the challenge!

Ready for Farm Life?

Can one ever be ready for farm life? Probably not. But seriously, KuneKunes are amazing and a great introduction to farming or a great asset to an already existing farm. We are happy to answer your questions and get you started on your quest to be an amazing farmer no matter what your situation is. 

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